Your next summer book read is now available.

Good morning. June is an exciting month.

For many in the sports world, June is THE month. Olympic and Paralympic Trials events have arrived in plenty and athletes are seeing the culmination of the last 5 years. If you’re a coach, athlete or fan then get ready for the head down sprint of Olympic Trials energy coming your way. POW! 

Life at CG Sports continues to be a raucous dance party. Gold medalist Tianna Bartoletta released her memoir “Survive and Advance” yesterday where it hit #1 on Amazon as a new release. Tianna’s memoir also broke the CG Sports Publishing record in pre-orders with staggering number of books sold.

This month we welcomed a new member to our staff, Holly Neumann, who work closely on the publishing and speaking side of our business.

Tell me the Olympics are coming without saying the Olympics are coming: In the past 30 days we have had athletes on HBO, The Voice and Jimmy Kimmel while also signing deals with Dick’s Sporting Goods, Ralph Lauren, one really big internet company (hint: it’s infinitely big) and many other cool brands (announcing soon).

Want to hear something crazy? By this time next week, we will be half way through the US Olympic Swimming Team Trials.

More to come. Enjoy this weeks CG Sports Newsletter.

Other big news this week: 

P.S.Add us to your contact list so we don't get lost in your inbox!


A round up of the CG Sports Teams' favorite weekly content from the most athletes in the biz.

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Tianna Bartoletta was interviewed by BBC Sport and discussed the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) decision to uphold Rule 50, a rule that bans acts of protests at the Olympic Games. "I'm not allowed to use the platform, where I've won three gold medals, to look [kids watching] in the eye and say: 'I have been through all of those things. And I still was able to go to the training, I was still able to figure out how to believe in myself,'" explained Bartoletta.

James Green launched his new website, complete with merchandise. In the same 24 hours, FloWrestling released a "Who is James Green?" feature surrounding the two-time world medalist.

In anticipation of the upcoming Paralympic Trials, Team USA caught up with Sam Bosco. Bosco, like so many others, has had to adjust her training. Her takeaway? "When you can't compete with your fellow athletes, you have to compete with yourself."

Exploring Force Majeure Clauses in Athlete Endorsement Contracts

By Matt Haage, Athlete Partnerships Associate

Welcome to part three of explaining athlete endorsement contracts. In weeks past, I covered both the exclusivity and usage rights clauses. Today, I am explaining a very relevant provision in today’s world: the force majeure clause.

Traditionally, force majeure clauses cover events such as wars, labor strikes, riots, crimes, and sudden legal changes. They also cover “acts of God” such as unpredictable weather like tornados, hurricanes, mudslides, floods, etc. The idea is that any event or occurrence that is beyond the reasonable control of a party will essentially excuse them if they fail to hold up their end of the contract as a result. They do not include things such as common weather patterns and predictable events. The more unforeseeable, the more likely it falls within a force majeure clause.

Force majeure clauses became a very hot topic around this time last year, as the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread cancellations of sporting events, concerts, and all sorts of large events and gatherings. Millions of dollars hung on this one clause that is generally included at the end of a contract. Generally, one would assume that a global pandemic would qualify as a force majeure event. However, many attorneys post-COVID are not taking any chances and are expressly including the words “pandemic” and “epidemic” in these clauses.

Read the rest of "Cejih Explains" force majeure clauses online.

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Gold medalist Tianna Bartoletta released her memoir “Survive and Advance” yesterday where it hit #1 on Amazon as a new release. Tianna’s memoir also broke the CG Sports Publishing record in pre-orders with staggering number of books sold.


Small wins lead to big wins.

Have you ever heard of the saying "good is the enemy of great?" Well, I'm here to shake it up a little bit and share the saying "Be good today so you can be great tomorrow."

What the heck, right? No one has ever told you to "be good." Well, Rome was not built in a day, either. What this means is to consistently do the little things. If you are showing up, in the arena, putting in the work, it will pay off over time. This can be applied to several instances, in and beyond your training and career:

- Building a social media following or online presence.
- Gaining a sponsor's attention through use of their product, outreach, and posting.
- Developing a network of family, friends, and supporters that will support you.

Knowing your brand requires that you know yourself. Take 5 minutes to reflect on your small wins this week and some you can accomplish today. Go a step further and write yourself a letter or email to check in 8 weeks from now, or even 6 months from now and see the progress you have made.

For more branding development tools, sign up and check out our free branding e-book.

Bosco Bike Fits

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Bosco Bike Fits is a premier bicycle fit studio located in Claremont, California, specializing in helping everyday cyclists to the highest-level athletes achieve maximum potential in comfort, aerodynamics and power. With over 650 fits since opening in June of 2018, Bosco Bike Fits takes out the guesswork when it comes to your bike fit so that you can focus on your cycling goals. For those that can't get to our studio, we do offer some virtual services such as cycling shoe selections, help with insoles and advice when it comes to selecting bicycle compontery.

I (Sam ) am usually involved in the process behind the scenes, taking care of scheduling and all the other business-administration type things. I also partake in the bike fits for our female athletes, so they can ask me questions if they are more comfortable talking to another female over a male. :)

Connect with us at, on Instagram and Facebook @boscobikefits, or email at!


A collection of the CG Sports Teams' favorite random news of the week.

  • Tom Hiddleston's "Loki" officially has his own series.

  • NFL's Cameron Kinley will complete his military service before making his professional sport debut.

  • A flying cicada has caused a car crash in Ohio. While the driver sustained minor injuries, the cicada was not so lucky.

Champion's Mojo: Episode 119, "Virginia Walden Ford: Amplify Your Voice, Make a Difference"

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Are you living up to your responsibility to make a difference? Once terrified of public speaking, Virginia Walden Ford is now a leading advocate for expanding educational opportunities for American students and the subject of the feature film “Miss Virginia,” available on Netflix. She joins the show to talk about accepting, and eventually embracing, the call on her life to change educational outcomes for her own son -- and for other children.

Sign up for your free consultation or health, leadership and life coaching with Kelly or Maria at

Catch up with Career Competitor!

Career Competitor is taking a quick summer break, but all episodes are still available to listen to as you soak up the summer rays. Catch up with your favorite episodes (or any missed episodes) now!

And so many more!


CG Sports is partnering with to bring weekly tips to navigate your finances, increase money mindfulness, and better your financial health.

Long Term Investments by Maia Monell

While short-term investing is all about quick preservation of cash, long-term investing is all about growing your wealth over time.

One long-term investing option:
ETFs - Similar to mutual funds, they represent a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other investments but ETSs are considered to be passively managed. 

  • ETFs invest in an underlying index (like the S&P 500), giving the fund full access to the US large-cap (large company) market.

  • ETFs seek to closely match the performance of the underlying index, they don't aim to exceed it.

  • They generally cost less than mutual funds. Low trading costs and great market exposure make ETFs a strong choice if you're looking to balance your portfolio.

Check back next week for more long term investment options!


“Feel Good Friday,” but make it Wednesday


We have work to do.