“Feel Good Friday,” but make it Wednesday

Good morning. It doesn't have to be a Friday for a feel good story.
Last week, the CG Sports Company celebrated with Tianna Bartoletta as her book rose through the ratings. This week, Tianna saw her book on the shelf in a Barnes & Noble in Eugene, Oregon. Her reaction speaks volumes.

Our focus has been and always will be on helping athletes identify their brand and tell their stories. Most recently, swimmers Beata Nelson and Michael Chadwick launched their websites, complete with logo, story, and merchandise. Additionally, Coleman Stewart unveiled his "all about the 'stache" shirt for Olympic Trials. 

And the stories don't stop there! Next up from CG Sports Publishing: Breaking Free by McKenzie Coan will be published August 13th, just ahead of the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics! 

Other big news this week: 

  • Did you know the movie "Legally Blonde" is what inspired McKenzie Coan to pursue a career in law?

  • College swimmers, are you looking for some extra cash? Read "Cejih Explains" for more info on what you could do.

P.S.Add us to your contact list so we don't get lost in your inbox!

A round up of the CG Sports Teams' favorite weekly content from the most athletes in the biz.

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What do the topics garage pool, new upcoming book release, and the movie "Legally Blonde" have in common? They are all topics of discussion in McKenzie Coan's new interview with Team USA. Read the full interview to catch up with McKenzie and learn how these topics connect.

Everyone needs a Captain America in their life. Someone who listens, supports, and exemplifies what it means to be a good person. For the sport of water polo, that person is Maggie Steffens. Visit the Idaho Statesman to read their feature/interview with Maggie.

Team USA's 3x3 basketball competition returned this past weekend. Officially titled "The 2021 Red Bull USA Basketball 3X Nationals," this year's event saw the Force 10 and 3Ball Omaha capture the women's and men's titles respectively. CG Sports' Cierra Burdick served as the forward for Force 10 and was also named MVP of the women's nationals.

How College Swimmers Can Capitalize on Swim Clinics
By Matt Haage, Athlete Partnerships Associate

Professional swimmers often utilize swim clinics and camps as a steady income source to support their training and give back to the swimming community. Whether it’s a private team clinic, instructing at a swim camp, or a simple speaking appearance, swimmers can often use their notoriety within their sport to help give back to the younger generation of swimmers in a way that also helps support their training costs.

For years, swimmers have had to wait until they exhausted their NCAA eligibility to start collecting money for these opportunities due to NCAA rules. However, once laws that permit college athletes to profit from their name, image, and likeness rights kick in, that will all change.

If you’re an eligible college swimmer interested in making clinics/speaking a summer job, passion project, or simply a way to pay for the next tech suit you’ve been saving up for, here are some tips on how to provide value to clubs:

  • Define your strengths

  • Find a speaking topic or two outside of the sport

  • Be approachable and have fun

Read the rest of Cejih Explains online.



Team USA's women's water polo team is in Greece for the World League Super Final with competition being held in the 2004 Olympic pool!

Follow the competition at usawaterpolo.org!


"Tell Us About Yourself"

One of the many dreaded/difficult interview questions that no one can really tell you how to answer. What I do know is that you are far more than your sport, your job, and your appearance.

But what part of your life story has created the person you are today? Where did you grow up and how did you get to where you are now? This probably isn't how you want to answer an interview question, but it's something you will want to prepare yourself for when speaking with a potential sponsor, sharing about yourself on your website or social media, or even meeting a new friend.

Start by writing out your entire story and pick out the most important details. Here are some tips and questions to ask yourself as you condense your story into a well-rounded but digestible piece.

  • When did you start your sport and where are you now?

  • Mention a side hustle or passion of yours that consumes your time outside of your sport.

  • Highlight 1-2 notable experiences - mental, physical, emotional - that shaped your personal brand and relate to your current or ideal audience.

  • Think 150 words.

Give it a shot and let us know how it goes! Need some help picking out the key information? Reach out here.


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Back2Back Swim Camp is a 2-day elite backstroke-specific camp. The 2021 camp will be held on August 14-15 2021 in Houston, TX at the Dad’s Club Aquatic Center.

Back2Back Swim Camp is limited to 60 swimmers maximum who meet the qualifying time standards (see online information). Back2Back is a day-camp only and the registration price is $499 per swimmer (includes free Back2Back t-shirt and swim cap). 

Registration is limited. Claim your spot now!

A collection of the CG Sports Teams' favorite random news of the week.

Champion's Mojo: Episode 120, "Aaron Peirsol: Mysticism, Mermaids and Memories"

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The pool is just one part of Olympic legend Aaron Peirsol’s lifelong, spiritual connection to the water. He joins the show to talk about his family history of swimming, sailing and connecting to the water around them -- as well as the ways he continues to engage with his sport, and his responsibility to it, more than a decade after officially retiring from it.

Sign up for your free consultation or health, leadership and life coaching with Kelly or Maria at ChampionsMojo.com/cm-coaching.


CG Sports is partnering with Nav.it to bring weekly tips to navigate your finances, increase money mindfulness, and better your financial health.

Long Term Investments by Maia Monell

While short-term investing is all about quick preservation of cash, long-term investing is all about growing your wealth over time.

One long-term investing option:
Real Estate - 

  • Owning a home is investing in real estate!

  • Rental real estate is a HOT topic these days. If you're interested in this route, keep in mind the purchase price and carrying costs have to be low enough to be covered by your tenant's monthly rent payment. Oh, and don't forget about the management of the property!

  • Most rental real estate is purchased for capital appreciation.

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) allow you to invest in property in a similar way to stocks. Buy into the trust, and participate in the ownership and profits of the underlying real estate. It can quickly become a high yielding investment as 90 percent of their income must be returned to the investor in the form of dividends.

  • Real Estate Crowdfunding is similar to peer-to-peer lending. It's most familiar in the commercial real estate world. You can choose any method for investing in the property. Fundrise is a hot topic in real estate right now as you can invest with as little as $500. The site boasts average returns between 12-14 percent / year.

Check back next week for more long term investment options!


Olympic Trials Stats You Didn’t Know You Needed


Your next summer book read is now available.