Are you tougher than a water polo player?



Good morning. In the wise words of Warren Buffett, "risk comes from not knowing what you're doing".

Do you know what you are doing when it comes to your finances? does. Money management can be a daunting topic, but can simplify it for you on Thursday, November 12 at 1pm PST. Develop your money mindset with us. "How to Become Financially Well"... with a special feature from 2x-Olympian Dagmara Wozniak. 

I'll be there and hope to chat with you on all things finance, freedom, and FUN. Join me. 

I'll be there and hope to chat with you on all things finance, freedom, and FUN. Join me. 


You Up For A Challenge?


Maggie Steffens is Water Polo Tough. The sport of water polo requires physical, mental and emotional toughness. This campaign, launched by USA Water Polo, aims to show just that. Are YOU water polo tough? Show the world.

Lia Neal inspires generations beyond her own in Empowered Women Campaign


Teaming up with uDiscover Music, Lia Neal talks community and change. Constant criticism is abundant in the world of professional athletics or the music industry. How can women of color stand tall and feel united? Music is one of the many ways to stay motivated when competing and battling the stereotypes and racialized history in competitive sports. Get inspired. Read the full article.


So Many Numbers...Where Do We Go From Here?

Today we take a look at the initial broadcast numbers for the International Swimming League (ISL) and what it means. 

The ISL's opening broadcast drew an estimated 381,000 views on CBS. While there are no numbers from Season 1 (on ESPN 3) to compare this data against, I'm going to make the assumption that this was a significant increase.

For comparison purposes, US Olympic Trials on NBC draws between 3.5 to 5 million viewers per night for eight nights. Keep in mind this is 30 days before the Olympic Games and has a multi-billion dollar marketing machine behind it. So what does this mean for the ISL Season 2? Let me try to explain.

1. ISL Season 2 is nailing the production: The production quality and packaging of the ISL product is vastly improved (and that's not a knock on Season 1). The ability to make professional competitive swimming exciting, digestible and fast paced is very difficult. These are the elements that help take a niche sport and make it more entertaining to mainstream audiences. With the production nailed down, they can start to focus on increasing the entertainment value and showcasing more of the team and individual athletes stories.

2. Learn from the rise of the UFC: One of the most successful examples of taking a niche sport mainstream is the UFC. The UFC was going bankrupt and deemed of no interest to a mainstream audience. But the owners of the UFC loved mixed martial arts and were deeply passionate about bringing the culture of the sport to the masses. How did they do it? 

They knew that the real plot was in the athlete stories and the fighter lifestyle. They came up with an idea for a reality show called, "The Ultimate Fighter" where the winner earns a paid contract to fight in the UFC. This brilliant move took the emphasis away from the fighting and showed the human aspect of MMA. 

The ISL can do a very similar show with the athletes all in the bubble right now. Take us behind the scenes, into their lives, show rivalries, friendships and the pro swimmer lifestyle. This doesn't have to be shown on TV, it can be accomplished through Youtube and other social media facets as a starter.

3. Athletes represent the best opportunity for advertisers: The excitement by the athletes who are involved in the ISL is extremely encouraging. As an advertiser, this is the most attractive opportunity and represents the greatest chance for ROI. The social media by athletes out of the ISL bubble is on par with other major league sports and I would argue that they are beating most of them (especially the MLB😴). Creating more advertising packages where sponsors can tap into the vast network of ISL athlete influencers represents a tremendous asset for the league (and teams). 

And that's the tea sis💁‍♂️ - as always, contact me directly ( with any feedback or suggestions for future topics! 


Cash In on Your Passions

Looking for ways to earn on your passion and skills? Download Indi! Indi is a new tool that allows you to make money in multiple ways, all from one easy-to-use app!

With Indi, you can get paid to shop and share product recommendations from over 2,000+ brand partners like Nike, Target, Walmart, Sephora, Ulta, Lululemon, Nordstrom, Best Buy, and more. All you have to do is shop on the Indi app or use our recommendation feature to find and share products with your audience.


Create premium content to sell to your students and followers with Indi’s on-demand video feature! Share your personalized fitness classes, your healthy recipe how-to’s, or your lessons instructing how to hit the best backhand in tennis. Simply upload to Indi, set the price for your premium content, and share with your social connections to make money.
You can also earn from Indi’s video requests features, which helps you make money by giving personalized instruction and shoutouts. Plus, Indi’s referral program provides a $20 bonus for every qualified Indi user that signs up through your referral link!
Indi is growing fast and has recently hit Top 10 Trending Business Apps in the App Store, surpassing other competitor apps. Come grow with us! Join Indi to cash in on your passion and start earning today.


ESPN to air "Fire on the Mountain" Tomorrow, 8pm EST

We all love a good BTS (behind-the-scenes) snapshot. ESPN is coming through with the BTS footage and the film. Basketball Hall of Famer Bill Walton narrates the stories of elite surfers, skiers and snowboarders Rob Machado, Michelle Parker, Jeremy Jones, Danny Davis, Kimmy Fasani and Chris Benchetler. The movie experience is only heightened by songs from Grateful Dead. 

From the coast to the peaks, these athletes venture around the world to catch some of the best rides of their life. Short film, high stoke. I don't usually encourage more time in front of a screen... but this is the exception. 


Champion's Mojo - Ep 87: Cody Miller & Lilly King

Learn the exclusive Lilly & Cody language, and what makes these two Olympians the successful, elite athletes they are. Episode available now.


Career Competitor - Ep. 63: Mike Brcic, Wayfinders

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Sound like you? Listen to Mike's episode with Steve Mellor this Thursday, 10/29, to learn more about building your own business and how to be a catalyst for human connection. Find your way to your dream career.  

Career Competitor is presented by TallSlim Tees.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each week we will be honoring an individual affected by the illness, or an individual or organization committed to raising awareness.
This week, we recognize Bright Pink. 


Bright Pink is committed to saving lives from breast and ovarian cancer through empowering women to know their risk, know how to prevent cancer, and providing the resources to do so. Take charge of your health, get connected, and support the fight against breast cancer and ovarian cancer here. 


"How to Become Financially Well - Prepare for Life after the Podium" presented by, Thursday 11/12

Join us for a presentation from Co-Founder and CMO, Maia Monell, alongside Financial Expert, CEO of Utor Wealth, Jenifer Sapel on Thursday, November 12 (1pm PST). Topics include: 

  • financial wellness

  • long-term planning 

  • how mindfulness plays a part in your finances 

Register here and send in your questions! 

Toni Armstrong Speaks at Higher Ground Leadership Conference, Friday 11/6

There is no better time to celebrate being a woman. Join 300+ strong women in building a network, learning to stand your ground in the workplace, and growing as a leader in the community. Register for the 14th Annual HIGHER Ground Women's Leadership Conference. 


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Fake commutes are a thing


How to make bank