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Oh, and Calvin the Intern is BACK, with a new episode: The Bachelor Pad. Sometimes you need a laugh on Mondays... Watch now. You're welcome. 

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3 Ways to Set Your Athlete Up for Success in Transitions

In honor of World Mental Health Day (October 10th), Cejih explains ways in which we can provide tools to better support Olympic, professional and elite athletes on their mental health journey.

As seen by HBO's documentary "The Weight of Gold", the strain on an athlete's mental health comes from many areas. Training, competing, putting your life on hold, media attention, financial instability, sponsor commitments and not to mention social media.

One big area that stood out to me was the uncertainty athletes face of what to do once they are done competing. Many athletes describe it as "having to start all over" and feeling like they "wasted" valuable time. 

Here are three ways that we can continue to support athletes with this post career uncertainty while preparing them for the next phase in their lives.

1. Pro-active financial wellness education: There is a misconception as a professional athlete that you need to be making millions in order to have financial stability or basic wealth management. Managing your finances is about setting goals and implementing the right habits that will ensure you hit those goals. Offering more programs or partnerships with companies that can lend their financial education resources to Olympic athletes will do wonders in easing the post athletic career pressure. One such program is coming up on Nov 12th and is specifically for professional and Olympic athletes, hosted by the company Nav.it.

2. Health Insurance: National Team and Olympic athletes are able to have health insurance through their NGB during their active careers. However this usually runs out within a few months of their final competition. Not only are athletes left figuring out what to do financially, they also have to find new health insurance. An initiative we are currently pursuing is for health insurance providers to offer plans for athletes entering the "transitional" phase of their career upon leaving the National Team. Many athletes retire after the age of 26 and this type of programming would allow them stability while they begin to pursue their professional career outside of sports. 

3. Develop the Brand Early: Athlete branding is the name of the game. Too many athletes wait until they are done competing before establishing their brand basics. Key marketing assets such as a personal logo, website, mission statement, merchandise and charitable partners can all be established early in an athlete's career. Helping athletes capitalize on this while they are still competing can lay the foundation for a strong business career in retirement. 

As always, please feel free to send me any feedback or contact me directly via email (cejih@cgsportsmanagement.com) if there is anything you want to see in the next Cejih Explains.


McKenzie Coan recaps Olympic Postponement with Nikkei News

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What pivot looks like, and how her emotions have shifted to prepare for 2021. Read more in the article, published by Nikkei, Japan's top news source. *Look out for the translation in the top corner of your browser!

Alexander Massialas emphasizes the need for college sports programs

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Stanford fencing is among the 75+ college sports programs to take a cut due to COVID-19 related finance issues. Read why this loss of collegiate competition and sport means so much to Alex and other athletes who competed for their schools in the Washington Post article.

Bennie Fowler & McKenzie Coan Make an Appearance on Sunday Night Football

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Fowler, WR, assists the Saints in their game against the Green Bay Packers, while McKenzie appears in the Adidas commercial


Athletes Love Data

6-8 Sports, founded by water polo Olympians Maggie Steffens (#6) andTony Azevedo (#8), analyzes your game to capture your strengths and weaknesses through numbers and taking advantage of every opportunity to improve.

With official stats, personal training, drills, and bench marking tools for athletes, you'll learn the basics from the pros, with all the performance analytics details you need.


Get the most from your training.
Check out 6-8 Sports.


Champion's Mojo - Ep 85: Cullen Jones, Tuesday 10/13 

The first Black swimmer to hold a world record, 2x-Olympian Cullen Jones, shares the rollercoaster that is fatherhood, his champion outlook, and how professional basketball is setting the tone for swimming. 
💦Make-a-Splash Ambassador
🏆Founder of the Cullen Jones Invitational

Get your mind right with the Mojos and Cullen Jones, listen and share this Tuesday


Career Competitor - Ep. 61: Hannah Heusman, Thursday 10/15

Meet Hannah Heusman, MS, Certified Mental Performance Coach!
🧠Creator of Mental Sweat Mondays 
⚾Mental Skills Coordinator for the Philadelphia Phillies 
🏀Former NCAA Div. 1 Softball and Basketball Player 🥎

Improve your mind game with Hannah and your host, Steve Mellor, on Career Competitor Podcast this week!


Breast Cancer Awareness Month 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each week we will be honoring an individual affected by the illness, or an individual or organization committed to raising awareness. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime (National Breast Cancer Foundation).

Today, we honor Kara Ward, mother of a LEAD Sports Summit attendee, who fiercely and courageously battled breast cancer through 2019. Though Kara lost the battle, her spirit lives on through her daughter and family. In the two years that Kara came to the LEAD event, she did not just drop her daughter off for a camp, but provided a warm smile and intentional conversation with every leader, athlete, and swimmer she encountered. She has left an impact on the Summit's staff and those of us involved here at CG Sports Co. through her genuine kindness and dedication to her family. 
She exemplified a life of Leadership, Empowerment, and not only Athletic, but Human Development. 


"How to Become Financially Well - Prepare for Life after the Podium" presented by Nav.it, Thursday 11/12

Join us for a presentation from Nav.it Co-Founder and CMO, Maia Monell, alongside Financial Expert, CEO of Utor Wealth, Jenifer Sapel on Thursday, November 12 (time TBA). Topics include: 

  • financial wellness

  • long-term planning 

  • how mindfulness plays a part in your finances 

  • Q & A

Register here and send in your questions! 


Toni Armstrong Speaks at Higher Ground Leadership Conference, Friday 11/6

There is no better time to celebrate being a woman. Join 300+ strong women in building a network, learning to stand your ground in the workplace, and growing as a leader in the community. Register for the 14th Annual HIGHER Ground Women's Leadership Conference. 



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Olympic Hopeful Mandy Marquardt Adds Sponsor Mammoth Creameries


The NBA bubble, Tokyo 2021 and the ISL