The Power of Short Form Video

We continue our tips from the world of athlete branding and sales with one of our most powerful tips: Using short form videos to sell your story.

Let’s get into it.

A big benefit of 2020 is that it normalized WFH and Zoom meeting culture. Whereas once it may have been awkward to send someone a short video message, now it is one of the best ways to standout and connect. Try these tips:

  1. Use a free video recording platform such as Loom to record short video messages. You can embed video right into email, making it an unforgettable yet simple way to connect with a prospect.

  2. Video showcases your personality: You would be surprised, but :60 seconds is a long time. Share your story or ‘elevator pitch’ and a way for people to follow up with you. Give them a call to action at the end of the video on how to connect or where to click. Just by sharing your pitch, giving a CTA, your natural personality will shine through - which is very difficult to do via email.

  3. Make it easy for people to work with you: Most people you are pitching too will then need to go and re-pitch what you pitched to them. This is the worst place to be and is the sales equivalent of the game ‘telephone’. A video message keeps the control on your side of the table. That original message is what will be sent, forwarded and re-shared - all while having the same powerful impact you intended.

Want to see an example of what this looks like by the CG Sports team? Hit reply with a “yes to video!” and we will include a sample in the next newsletter.


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