Cejih Explains: Sales Tips Used at by the CG Sports Team

It seems that some of our highest clicked and engaged content is when we share sales tips. Specifically, the ones that we use on our team at CG Sports. Today I'm going to share a few quick tips that have been working very well in 2021 so far.

  1. Good email subject line for new prospect outreach: We borrowed this one recently from our man in the field, Morgan Ingram. When reaching out to new prospects, Morgan highly recommend using the subject line format: "Prospect First Name < > Prospect Company Name". So if I was trying to get the attention of a decision maker at Amazon, I might use the email subject "Jeff < > Amazon". This simple tip has netted a noticeable increase in email opens and meetings scheduled thus far. Try it and let me know how it works.

  2. Using video as part of the sales process: In a recent study that analyzed 50,000 sales proposals from 2020, proposals that incorporated video were 28% more likely to close. That's a huge markup. We are also seeing more video being used during the prospecting phase. I recently received a :60 second video pitch from a potential athlete looking to sign with us - it was charismatic, informational and left a strong impression.

  3. Negotiate over video/phone; use email to recap: We strictly use video or phone for negotiating proposals, deals and contracts. Email is primarily used to recap call notes, set meetings and share relevant info. Negotiating carries too many nuances and is always best executed face to face whenever possible.

Give these a try and as always, let me know your results at cejih@cgsportsmanagement.com


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