How we brand this - Jordan Wilimovsky

As you may have heard, we have officially added 2-time USA Olympian and Tokyo 2021 qualifier Jordan Wilimovsky to our team. Bringing on a new client is always a big deal for our company and something we take a lot of pride in. Allow me to explain just how our brand camp service works and the process our man Jordan went through.

1. Identifying an Athlete's Brand: Every client goes through our Brand Camp. This begins with a series of extensive questionnaires that we have spent years developing. Every athlete has a unique story that will make the athlete stand out in a specific market. The purpose of brand camp is to narrow the story and then find the correct market for the athlete.

2. Bringing the Brand to Life: Once we have the story, it's time to bring the brand to life. Each client goes through in depth sessions with our team to design their personalized logo, professional website, media kit, hype video and custom merchandise. The athlete gets to work with our whole team and we really get to provide that personal touch. We have A LOT of fun, probably too much.

3. Launching the Brand: This is where the magic happens. In my opinion, this is where an athlete truly becomes a "pro". Thousands of athletes may get paid to do their sport. Only a handful (about 2%) will build their professional brand. Unsurprisingly, 95% of sponsorship deals go to the athletes who can demonstrate they have an actual 'brand'. This is how an athlete who only has 5,000 Instagram followers can sign multiple sponsorship deals. Story + brand will always outweigh an Instagram following (this is math by Yung).

And that's it! Have a great rest of your week and thank you for reading our newsletter and supporting our athletes.


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