Part 1: How To Use Your Agent

How To Use Your Agent: Part 1


In order to get the most out of having an agent it is important to understand what an agent is. By definition an agent “is someone who has the authority to act on behalf of another person or group.” 

The services an agent will typically provide include:

  1. Contract negotiations

  2. Business consultation

  3. Brand and Marketing advice

  4. Sourcing and Procuring deals

  5. Brand Strategy

  6. Deal vetting (assessing if a deal is worth the client’s time)

  7. Market contacts and experience

  8. Coaching/mentorship

The benefit of having an agent include: 

  1. Saving you time, money and mental welfare

  2. Turn information into knowledge

  3. Properly vet deals to discover which ones are equitable and with ones are time wasters

  4. Act as a proxy between you and the sponsor or buyer

  5. Provide perspective to help make smart decisions

  6. Negotiate with experience and skill

  7. Handle billing, invoicing and collecting payment on your behalf 


Part 2: How to loop your agent in


Reaching out to Brands on LinkedIn