3 Things I’ve learned at CG Sports

by Matt Amerlan, Director of Operations

Last January I met Cejih when I cold called him and pitched a service. I remember I had initially sent Cejih a prospecting email. About a week later after grinding away all morning at a coffee shop (yes, remember way back when we could work in a coffee shop with other human beings?!) I looked at my notes and saw his name as I closed my notebook. I was pretty burned out from the morning, but I thought what the heck, one more call will make me feel like I’m maximizing my time as I headed out. As I headed out the door and got in my car Cejih answered. We hit it off from there and it led to me joining the CG Sports team.  Anyone remember the movie Sliding Doors (I know, old movie)? What would this last year have been like if I hadn’t taken action and made that one more call?  

Fortunately I did make that call and being a part of the CG Sports team this past year has been as rewarding of an experience as I’ve had. Below are 3 things that stand out that I’ve learned over this past year at CG Sports. You’ll notice taking action is a big theme as it was in my story above …

·      Take action, always. Taking action is core to our culture and key to our success. This is true in how we operate in our overall company strategy (see pandemic and CG Sports putting the pedal to the medal) and is key to each individual’s day to day operations. Every team member is empowered to take action and be bold. The cumulative effect is a powerful, creative and fearless machine. Whether you are an elite athlete on the stage of the Olympics, a company, or an individual trying to be great, nothing happens unless you take action.

·      We are in the story telling business. We are fortunate to work with extraordinary athletes. Each of our clients has a unique story of how they made it to the big stage and climbed their mountain. Every one of our athlete’s stories has impact on a market. The key is taking action in capturing that story and putting it in front of a market that will take away tremendous value from that story. Our athlete’s stories have impact on audiences that add value in helping them take action to do great things.

·      Consistency wins. It sounds cliché but being consistent and winning the day is key. This is a big focus of ours. Everyday we “jab, jab, jab”. Whether it is getting our athletes in front of their market, growing our audience, growing our client base, or growing our business relationships, we are steady with our approach. If every day each of us at CG Sports takes action on a few things that will enhance and grow our business, in the long run we will be in a great position. Going back to our athlete clients, do you think they just woke up one day and became world class? No, they do the little things every day. They take action, are consistent with their action and because of that they have one hell of a story that will add value to their audience.


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